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Pages in category "Screen captures with incorrect aspect ratio"
The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.
Media in category "Screen captures with incorrect aspect ratio"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 925 total.
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...and takes out two baseships.jpg 624 × 352; 43 KB
211 004.jpg 1,280 × 720; 85 KB
301 a calm quiet dinner with Kara Thrace.jpg 392 × 449; 159 KB
301 gloves are coming off.jpg 684 × 472; 294 KB
33 minutes - Image titre.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 596 KB
3x11 Earth Cylon Centurion.JPG 800 × 450; 254 KB
3x11 Fleet above Algae planet.jpg 853 × 480; 238 KB
3x11 Temple of Five discovery.jpg 853 × 480; 237 KB
3x11 Temple of Five roof.jpg 853 × 480; 249 KB
403 - God's presence.jpg 519 × 314; 122 KB
403 - Tigh and his gun.jpg 443 × 319; 140 KB
403 - Tigh scream, you scream, we all scream.jpg 541 × 332; 144 KB
408 Elysium ferry.jpg 602 × 327; 154 KB
408 showdown.jpg 579 × 290; 148 KB
408 unplugging the hybrid.jpg 579 × 290; 163 KB
410 Adama and his raptor.jpg 616 × 318; 193 KB
410 Adama sees the Fleet off.jpg 614 × 335; 135 KB
410 HMS Glutton o' Punishment.jpg 618 × 315; 194 KB
410 IT upgrade press release.jpg 614 × 335; 112 KB
410 Lampkin and pepperbox.jpg 614 × 335; 123 KB
410 Lance.jpg 415 × 337; 91 KB
410 Pike's corpsesicle.jpg 614 × 335; 100 KB
410 room with a view.jpg 614 × 335; 169 KB
411 cylon pilots.jpg 456 × 341; 115 KB
411 Hub chamber.jpg 623 × 349; 185 KB
411 pilot meeting.jpg 623 × 349; 210 KB
411 Roslin and Baltar with Hybrid.jpg 621 × 352; 189 KB
4x03 Delegate 10.jpg 235 × 264; 6 KB
4x03 Delegate 11.jpg 256 × 264; 7 KB
4x03 Delegate 12.jpg 193 × 229; 4 KB
4x03 Delegate 7.jpg 220 × 309; 5 KB
4x03 Delegate 8.jpg 210 × 311; 6 KB
4x03 Delegate 9.jpg 204 × 225; 6 KB
4x03 Reza Chronides.jpg 279 × 281; 9 KB
4x04 Delegate 10.jpg 281 × 308; 8 KB
4x04 Delegate 11.jpg 249 × 278; 7 KB
4x04 Lilly.jpg 334 × 286; 9 KB
4x04 Marine 2.jpg 287 × 303; 5 KB
4x04 Marine Guard.jpg 394 × 341; 13 KB
4x04 Marine Lieutenant.jpg 244 × 302; 7 KB
4x04 Mr. Officious.jpg 381 × 348; 8 KB
4x04 Reza Chronides.jpg 305 × 283; 9 KB
4x04 Sons of Ares leader.jpg 413 × 329; 10 KB
4x06 Emily Kowalski.jpg 338 × 346; 12 KB
4x07 Delegate 12.jpg 222 × 276; 5 KB
4x07 Delegate 13.jpg 260 × 342; 10 KB
4x08 Speaking Delegate 3.jpg 297 × 343; 7 KB
8757 LDYBPI.JPG 852 × 480; 51 KB
Adama and rifle armed warriors.jpg 635 × 467; 252 KB
Adama being carried Exodus-Pt-II.jpg 853 × 480; 335 KB
Adama being carried.jpg 608 × 352; 25 KB
Adama laura toke.jpg 608 × 336; 18 KB
Adamabed.jpg 640 × 480; 38 KB
Adamacivies.jpg 640 × 480; 19 KB
AdamaGlare.png 264 × 336; 120 KB
AdamaGlare2.jpg 504 × 535; 33 KB
Adamastache.jpg 608 × 336; 25 KB
AdamauBoxey3.jpg 635 × 480; 82 KB
Admiralpiping1.jpg 1,280 × 720; 81 KB
AdrienBauer.jpg 853 × 480; 283 KB
Aerian merchant code.jpg 564 × 332; 34 KB
Alliance older man.jpg 196 × 233; 47 KB
Alliance young man.jpg 252 × 343; 80 KB
Alpha Six - 2.jpg 296 × 253; 5 KB
Amanda Graystone.jpg 800 × 451; 80 KB
An alliance forms.jpg 624 × 352; 39 KB
Ander's red eye.jpg 700 × 396; 77 KB
Anders - Number 6 confrontation.jpg 624 × 352; 40 KB
Anders Cylon.jpg 800 × 450; 93 KB
Anders LDYBPII.JPG 425 × 479; 24 KB
Announcer.jpg 365 × 449; 144 KB
Antiassaultbatteries.jpg 640 × 480; 39 KB
Antigrav bridge.jpg 640 × 480; 26 KB
Antigrav threequarter.jpg 640 × 480; 15 KB
APB.jpg 551 × 353; 174 KB
Apollo LDYBPII.JPG 960 × 544; 145 KB
AuroraBook.jpg 454 × 800; 72 KB
AuroraFigurine.jpg 652 × 457; 201 KB
Baby Hera.jpg 607 × 335; 15 KB
Baltar and Head Baltar, "Six of One".jpg 700 × 394; 105 KB
Baltar and Six finding Hera.jpg 608 × 352; 17 KB
Baltar's Escape - Title screencap.jpg 640 × 480; 29 KB
Baltarsbasestar 305 720p.png 1,280 × 720; 736 KB
BaltarTribunal.jpg 853 × 480; 253 KB
BARifle Resistance.JPG 852 × 478; 86 KB
Barkeep Joe Headshot.jpg 251 × 286; 12 KB
Barry Garner.jpg 435 × 451; 20 KB
Barton.jpg 357 × 431; 19 KB
Base Ships.jpg 1,151 × 719; 179 KB
Baseship - Raiders - Raptor.jpg 852 × 480; 68 KB
Basestar fires missiles, "He That Believeth In Me".jpg 800 × 450; 84 KB
Basestar fleshy wound.jpg 624 × 352; 41 KB
Basestar Interior 1.jpg 853 × 480; 254 KB
Basestar Interior 2.jpg 853 × 480; 263 KB
Basestar Interior 3.jpg 853 × 480; 242 KB
BasestarBoom.jpg 640 × 480; 28 KB
Basestarcontol 306 720p.png 1,280 × 720; 1.02 MB
Basisschiff Bewaffnung.jpg 1,148 × 668; 157 KB
Battered Battlestar.jpg 800 × 450; 81 KB
Batteries - Galactica Type.jpg 852 × 480; 95 KB
Battle of New Caprica - Initiation.jpg 719 × 480; 60 KB
Battle of Otarsis Quadrant.jpg 622 × 468; 23 KB
Battle of the Guardian Basestar.png 640 × 480; 144 KB
Battleofcimtar.jpg 640 × 480; 37 KB
Beige neck piece 1.jpg 229 × 110; 4 KB
Bell at Baltar's trial.jpg 365 × 247; 80 KB
Bellamy.jpg 459 × 441; 22 KB
Ben Stark.jpg 546 × 650; 60 KB
BinaryStar.jpg 850 × 478; 112 KB
Blackbird - FotP.png 853 × 480; 833 KB
Blackbird - Jammer signature.png 853 × 480; 855 KB
Blackbird - Seelix signature.png 853 × 480; 887 KB
Blackbird ceremony - 1.png 853 × 480; 758 KB
Blackbird ceremony - 2.png 853 × 480; 853 KB
Blackbird cockpit (lighted helmet).png 853 × 480; 685 KB
Blackbird cockpit (unlighted helmet).png 853 × 480; 631 KB
Blackbird cockpit - 1.png 853 × 480; 596 KB
Blackbird construction - 1.png 853 × 480; 848 KB
Blackbird construction - 2.png 853 × 480; 911 KB
Blackbird construction - 3.png 853 × 480; 872 KB
Blackbird construction - 4.png 853 × 480; 814 KB
Blackbird construction - 5.png 853 × 480; 787 KB
Blackbird death.jpg 672 × 344; 11 KB
Blackbird destroyed.jpg 410 × 260; 18 KB
Blackbird destroyed.png 413 × 306; 104 KB
Blackbird FotP.JPG 1,000 × 563; 124 KB
Blackbird launch tube - 1.png 853 × 480; 580 KB
Blackbird launch tube - 2.png 853 × 480; 593 KB
Blackbird launch tube - 3.png 853 × 480; 547 KB
Blackbird maiden flight.png 853 × 480; 414 KB
Blackbird throttle.png 853 × 480; 582 KB
Blackbird undercarriage.png 853 × 480; 530 KB
Blood Communication.jpg 270 × 223; 26 KB
Blood Marine.jpg 355 × 288; 36 KB
Bloodstopper.jpg 327 × 229; 46 KB
Blue uniform cuff.jpg 110 × 102; 2 KB
BONC.jpg 800 × 450; 81 KB
BoomerPortrait.jpg 332 × 415; 18 KB
Boroton.jpg 640 × 480; 27 KB
Botanical Cruiser HTBIM.jpg 624 × 352; 12 KB
Boxey.jpg 264 × 312; 16 KB
Breeder's Canyon (2).png 640 × 384; 436 KB
Breeder's Canyon (3).png 853 × 480; 705 KB
Breeder's Canyon.png 853 × 480; 684 KB
BreedersCanyonGround.jpg 853 × 480; 304 KB
Brenda maxwell.jpg 640 × 480; 34 KB
Brent Baxton.jpg 363 × 431; 15 KB
Brother Cavil Shades.jpg 749 × 528; 43 KB
Brothers on patrol (Maelstrom).jpg 852 × 480; 64 KB
Bscap101.jpg 624 × 352; 33 KB
Bsg s02 e20 time01-06-12 orig.jpg 1,280 × 720; 201 KB
Bsg s03 e09 time00-02-26 orig.jpg 1,280 × 720; 191 KB
Bsg-c9-2.jpg 960 × 528; 47 KB
Bsmissiles.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 139 KB
Buchhandlung.jpg 474 × 316; 11 KB
Bucspatch.jpg 206 × 152; 12 KB
Bunks.jpg 640 × 480; 36 KB
Cain Pegasus emblem BSG 63.jpg 624 × 352; 136 KB
Cain's chest emblem.jpg 65 × 68; 1 KB
Cain's cuffs.jpg 179 × 170; 5 KB
Cain's helmet chin decoration.jpg 204 × 94; 3 KB
Cain's shoulder pad.jpg 187 × 187; 5 KB
Cain's uniform.jpg 211 × 403; 13 KB
Cain.jpg 312 × 376; 12 KB
CainFuneralDressUniforms.jpg 960 × 544; 87 KB
CainH.jpg 422 × 480; 59 KB
CainsWeapons.jpg 549 × 572; 34 KB
Cally and Baby.png 640 × 384; 274 KB
Camp Aide.jpg 382 × 465; 165 KB
Caprica - Angela Moore as Judge.jpg 469 × 547; 174 KB
Caprica - Apollo Park.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 571 KB
Caprica - Atlas statue at Atlas Arena.jpg 790 × 443; 58 KB
Caprica - Caesar the dog.jpg 196 × 143; 31 KB
Caprica - CAP 2.jpg 150 × 63; 24 KB
Caprica - Cubits and Pieces.jpg 613 × 333; 270 KB
Caprica - Drew.jpg 800 × 450; 73 KB
Caprica - Gravedancing - Holo Cafe.jpg 900 × 510; 105 KB
Caprica - Gravedancing - Rebecca.jpg 358 × 356; 95 KB
Caprica - Hectate in human form.jpg 262 × 255; 45 KB
Caprica - Hectate with canine head.jpg 263 × 313; 71 KB
Caprica - Josh Byer as Defendant.jpg 469 × 547; 183 KB
Caprica - MCP.jpg 800 × 451; 56 KB
Caprica - Memorial Invitation at Apollo Park.jpg 314 × 258; 68 KB
Caprica - Nancy Kerr as Prosecutor.jpg 469 × 547; 207 KB
Caprica - Natalie Stark.jpg 231 × 255; 55 KB
Caprica - Philomon.jpg 1,000 × 563; 86 KB
Caprica - Terence Kelly as Mayor.jpg 264 × 322; 90 KB
Caprica at night, "Daybreak, Part II".jpg 800 × 450; 126 KB
Caprica from Orbit.jpg 624 × 352; 130 KB
Caprica Lacy.jpg 533 × 800; 119 KB
Caprica NC.jpg 682 × 720; 107 KB
Caprica Presidium.jpg 632 × 473; 36 KB
Caprica.S01E09.720p.CMoDVTOLcockpit.jpg 1,280 × 720; 106 KB
CapricaAssault.jpg 801 × 434; 305 KB
CapricaCityBeforeCylonAttack.jpg 800 × 452; 138 KB
Capricacitydaybreak1.jpg 800 × 452; 149 KB
CapricaCityPolice.jpg 853 × 480; 256 KB
CapricaMessage.jpg 640 × 480; 72 KB
CapricaRazor1.jpg 800 × 442; 77 KB
CapricaRazor2.jpg 850 × 470; 134 KB