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All content from the original Battlestar Galactica.
This category has the following 23 subcategories, out of 23 total.
- Baltar's Escape (18 F)
- Experiment in Terra (21 F)
- Fire in Space (18 F)
- Greetings From Earth (25 F)
- Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I (49 F)
- Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II (28 F)
- Murder on the Rising Star (26 F)
- Saga of a Star World (1 P, 125 F)
- Take the Celestra (15 F)
- The Hand of God (TOS) (2 F)
- The Living Legend, Part I (36 F)
- The Living Legend, Part II (14 F)
- The Long Patrol (31 F)
- The Lost Warrior (28 F)
- The Magnificent Warriors (31 F)
- The Man with Nine Lives (37 F)
- The Young Lords (19 F)
- War of the Gods, Part I (14 F)
- War of the Gods, Part II (8 F)
Pages in category "TOS"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.
Media in category "TOS"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 639 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
Adama and belloby.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 217 KB
Adama and rifle armed warriors.jpg 635 × 467; 252 KB
Adama and Siress Bellaby.jpg 2,699 × 2,045; 876 KB
Adama Portrait.jpg 2,370 × 3,012; 3.13 MB
Adama's command medallion.jpg 326 × 326; 86 KB
Adama's command robes.jpg 322 × 442; 20 KB
Adama's medallion.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 386 KB
Adamabed.jpg 640 × 480; 38 KB
AdamaChoke.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 190 KB
AdamaLL1.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 394 KB
Adamatable.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 248 KB
AdamauBoxey3.jpg 635 × 480; 82 KB
Adar.jpg 588 × 735; 64 KB
Adulteress58.jpg 2,766 × 4,096; 562 KB
Aerian merchant code.jpg 564 × 332; 34 KB
AggieMoreland.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 390 KB
Agro crop.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 293 KB
AgroShips.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 135 KB
Ale.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 269 KB
Alliance older man.jpg 196 × 233; 47 KB
Alliance young man.jpg 252 × 343; 80 KB
Alliance.jpg 314 × 188; 8 KB
Alpha Six - 2.jpg 296 × 253; 5 KB
Alpha Six.jpg 565 × 428; 30 KB
Ambrosa.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 110 KB
Antiassaultbatteries.jpg 640 × 480; 39 KB
Antilla.JPG 2,000 × 2,000; 344 KB
Anton.jpg 456 × 570; 107 KB
Apoll and Zac.jpg 578 × 716; 32 KB
Apollo - Black and White 2.jpg 240 × 299; 13 KB
Apollo - Black and White.jpg 1,945 × 2,525; 1.55 MB
Apollo 11.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 214 KB
Apollo and Serina.jpg 323 × 480; 117 KB
Apollo Autograph.jpg 2,363 × 3,022; 770 KB
Apollo Serina Wedding.jpg 387 × 480; 91 KB
Apollo uniform.jpg 171 × 383; 8 KB
Apollo's medallion.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 219 KB
ApolloExperiment.jpg 640 × 480; 35 KB
ApolloLostPlanet.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 399 KB
Arcta.jpg 137 × 137; 3 KB
Arends.jpg 239 × 299; 12 KB
Ariadne.jpg 1,080 × 1,535; 248 KB
Artic jacket.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 500 KB
Assault9.jpg 170 × 221; 7 KB
Athen On Bridge.jpg 1,983 × 2,979; 703 KB
Athena - Fire in Space.jpg 306 × 380; 38 KB
Athena - Warrior Uniform.jpg 320 × 452; 42 KB
Athena Pose 2.JPG 286 × 448; 30 KB
Athenacarillon.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 221 KB
AthenaCassie.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 91 KB
AthenaGreetingsFromEarth.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 256 KB
AthenaLongPatrol.jpg 329 × 411; 25 KB
AthenaLostPlanet1.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 241 KB
Atlantia core command burning.png 1,920 × 1,088; 2.42 MB
Atlantia core command.png 1,920 × 1,088; 2.54 MB
Atlantia decompression.png 1,920 × 1,088; 2.75 MB
Badge.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 254 KB
Baltar Autograph 1.jpg 2,848 × 2,126; 852 KB
Baltar Autograph 2.jpg 2,836 × 2,197; 1,015 KB
Baltar's Escape - Title screencap.jpg 640 × 480; 29 KB
Baltar's Escape.jpg 1,215 × 847; 151 KB
Baltar.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 418 KB
BaltarAdarSaga.jpg 640 × 480; 41 KB
Baltarpic.jpg 640 × 480; 43 KB
BaltarsBargain.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 188 KB
Barton.jpg 357 × 431; 19 KB
Basestar(TOS).jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 171 KB
BasestarBoom.jpg 640 × 480; 28 KB
BasestarTOS.jpg 640 × 480; 31 KB
Battle of Otarsis Quadrant.jpg 622 × 468; 23 KB
BattleofCarillon.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 234 KB
Battleofcimtar.jpg 640 × 480; 37 KB
BattleofKobol.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 173 KB
Battlestarformation.jpg 640 × 480; 40 KB
Beige neck piece 1.jpg 229 × 110; 4 KB
Belloby.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 424 KB
Blassie.jpg 1,080 × 1,535; 266 KB
Blue uniform cuff.jpg 110 × 102; 2 KB
Bogan.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 477 KB
Bojay Autograph 1.jpg 2,991 × 2,366; 1.18 MB
Bojay Autograph 2.jpg 2,988 × 2,375; 1.27 MB
Bojay.jpg 1,080 × 1,080; 348 KB
Bookoftheword.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 213 KB
Boomer and Starbuck uniform.jpg 434 × 412; 22 KB
Boomer Autograph.jpg 2,161 × 2,814; 2.06 MB
BoomerPartyLostPlanet1.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 259 KB
BoomerPortrait.jpg 332 × 415; 18 KB
Bootes.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 388 KB
Bora.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 443 KB
Borays.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 219 KB
Borellian Nomen.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 224 KB
Boroton.jpg 640 × 480; 27 KB
Bow.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 479 KB
Boxey and Muffit II.jpg 395 × 428; 25 KB
Boxey and Muffit II.png 1,920 × 1,088; 2.49 MB
Boxey.jpg 264 × 312; 16 KB
Brace.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 471 KB
Brenda maxwell.jpg 640 × 480; 34 KB
BSG (TOS) original screen title.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 220 KB
BSG Classic - Gun on Ice Planet Zero - Shuttle UIY 1138.png 3,122 × 1,418; 5.08 MB
BSG-TOS - Gun on Ice Planet Zero Part I - Apollo with Thane's Hand Mine.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 186 KB
BSG-TOS - Gun on Ice Planet Zero Part I - Vickers.jpg 760 × 760; 353 KB
BSG-TOS - Gun on Ice Planet Zero Part I - Voight.jpg 1,080 × 1,535; 245 KB
BSG-TOS - S01E03 - Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II - 1374.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 247 KB
BSG-TOS - S01E03 - Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II - 1380.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 304 KB
BSG-TOS - S01E03 - Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II - 2053.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 217 KB
BSG-TOS - Take the Celestra - Kronus Leads the Charge.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 289 KB
BSG-TOS - The Living Legend, Part I - End Credits.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 209 KB
Bunks.jpg 640 × 480; 36 KB
Cain's chest emblem.jpg 65 × 68; 1 KB
Cain's cuffs.jpg 179 × 170; 5 KB
Cain's emblem.jpg 82 × 79; 2 KB
Cain's helmet chin decoration.jpg 204 × 94; 3 KB
Cain's shoulder pad.jpg 187 × 187; 5 KB
Cain's uniform.jpg 211 × 403; 13 KB
Cain.jpg 312 × 376; 12 KB
Canaris.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 241 KB
Caprica Presidium.jpg 632 × 473; 36 KB
Capricaattack.jpg 1,464 × 1,080; 264 KB
CapricaMessage.jpg 640 × 480; 72 KB
Carillon.jpg 568 × 419; 83 KB
Carmichael.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 475 KB
Cassiecarillon.jpg 303 × 379; 16 KB
CassieCelestra.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 158 KB
CassiePortrait.jpg 298 × 373; 19 KB
CassieSocilatorSaga.jpg 640 × 480; 56 KB
Cassiopeia - Saga of a Star World.jpg 2,003 × 2,990; 626 KB
Cassiopeia Autograph.jpg 1,971 × 2,997; 569 KB
Cassiopeia White Dress.jpg 815 × 1,042; 499 KB
CelestialChamber.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 167 KB
Celestra.jpg 640 × 480; 24 KB
Centurion guts.jpg 613 × 441; 288 KB
CenturionPartyCrasher.jpg 640 × 480; 44 KB
Chameleon.jpg 1,080 × 1,535; 291 KB
Chancery.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 228 KB
Charity.jpg 1,080 × 1,535; 301 KB
Chella.jpg 288 × 360; 19 KB
Chella.png 835 × 1,061; 1.4 MB
ChiefOpposer.jpg 640 × 480; 35 KB
Choochoo.JPG 640 × 480; 23 KB
Cimtar.jpg 291 × 218; 11 KB
Classic Viper side view.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 148 KB
Cold cell.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 217 KB
Colonial hand mine.jpg 238 × 413; 13 KB
Colonial laser rifle.jpg 531 × 398; 173 KB
Colonial technology from Earth.jpg 640 × 480; 26 KB
Colonial timepiece.jpg 475 × 469; 27 KB
ColonialMovers.jpg 640 × 480; 45 KB
Colonialshuttle.jpg 607 × 364; 34 KB
CommandCenturion.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 424 KB
Computer room.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 238 KB
Cora.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 77 KB
CoreCommand.jpg 640 × 480; 44 KB
Corecommandoverhead.jpg 640 × 480; 43 KB
Council security.jpg 996 × 883; 116 KB
Count Iblis.jpg 347 × 438; 21 KB
Cree and the brain probe.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 276 KB
Cree.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 431 KB
Croad.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 470 KB
Croft.jpg 1,080 × 1,535; 268 KB
Cylon command chamber.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 265 KB
Cylon corridor.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 254 KB
Cylon Mine.png 331 × 436; 199 KB
Cylon Minefield.png 1,920 × 1,088; 2.14 MB
Cylon mini-boat.jpg 318 × 214; 5 KB
Cylon scanner.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 232 KB
CylonCivvies.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 241 KB
CylonList3.jpg 768 × 576; 62 KB
Damon.jpg 401 × 392; 25 KB
Dan Barton.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 508 KB
Dancer.jpg 1,464 × 1,080; 180 KB
Dealer.jpg 326 × 407; 28 KB
Deitra.jpg 219 × 273; 11 KB
Deitra.png 824 × 891; 1.12 MB
Deletedfashion.jpg 571 × 473; 38 KB
Doctor Horning.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 565 KB
Domra.jpg 1,080 × 1,080; 579 KB
Donner.jpg 143 × 179; 5 KB
Doyle.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 536 KB
Duggy.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 482 KB
EA destroyer warbook entry.jpg 505 × 382; 156 KB
Ead.jpg 395 × 237; 10 KB
Eastern Alliance destroyer control.jpg 635 × 467; 253 KB
Elias.jpg 210 × 262; 9 KB
Energizer.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 404 KB
Enteringeden.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 241 KB
Equellus.jpg 1,420 × 1,080; 131 KB
Evie.jpg 130 × 199; 11 KB
Experiment in Terra - Title screencap.jpg 640 × 480; 30 KB
Experiment in Terra.jpg 640 × 480; 74 KB
Extinguisher.jpg 214 × 268; 10 KB
Fire in Space - Title screencap.jpg 640 × 480; 29 KB
Fire in Space.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 225 KB
Firefighter.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 230 KB
Fireleader.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 433 KB
Forger7.jpg 305 × 366; 22 KB
Four portrait.jpg 2,357 × 2,972; 702 KB
Four-sided board game.jpg 509 × 373; 28 KB
Fumarellocase.jpg 136 × 114; 3 KB
Galactica emblem variant.jpg 92 × 91; 2 KB