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Pages in category "Screen captures (RDM)"
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.
Media in category "Screen captures (RDM)"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 362 total.
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...and takes out two baseships.jpg 624 × 352; 43 KB
211 004.jpg 1,280 × 720; 85 KB
33 minutes - Image titre.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 596 KB
3x11 Earth Cylon Centurion.JPG 800 × 450; 254 KB
3x6-Lion's-Head-beacon-2.jpg 608 × 336; 52 KB
3x6-Lion's-Head-beacon-3.jpg 608 × 336; 36 KB
3x6-Lion's-Head-beacon-4.jpg 608 × 336; 69 KB
403 - God's presence.jpg 519 × 314; 122 KB
403 - Tigh and his gun.jpg 443 × 319; 140 KB
403 - Tigh scream, you scream, we all scream.jpg 541 × 332; 144 KB
408 Elysium ferry.jpg 602 × 327; 154 KB
408 showdown.jpg 579 × 290; 148 KB
408 unplugging the hybrid.jpg 579 × 290; 163 KB
410 Adama and his raptor.jpg 616 × 318; 193 KB
410 Adama sees the Fleet off.jpg 614 × 335; 135 KB
410 HMS Glutton o' Punishment.jpg 618 × 315; 194 KB
410 IT upgrade press release.jpg 614 × 335; 112 KB
410 Lampkin and pepperbox.jpg 614 × 335; 123 KB
410 Lance.jpg 415 × 337; 91 KB
410 Pike's corpsesicle.jpg 614 × 335; 100 KB
410 room with a view.jpg 614 × 335; 169 KB
411 cylon pilots.jpg 456 × 341; 115 KB
411 Hub chamber.jpg 623 × 349; 185 KB
411 pilot meeting.jpg 623 × 349; 210 KB
411 Roslin and Baltar with Hybrid.jpg 621 × 352; 189 KB
4x03 Delegate 10.jpg 235 × 264; 6 KB
4x03 Delegate 11.jpg 256 × 264; 7 KB
4x03 Delegate 12.jpg 193 × 229; 4 KB
4x03 Delegate 7.jpg 220 × 309; 5 KB
4x03 Delegate 8.jpg 210 × 311; 6 KB
4x03 Delegate 9.jpg 204 × 225; 6 KB
4x03 Reza Chronides.jpg 279 × 281; 9 KB
4x04 Delegate 10.jpg 281 × 308; 8 KB
4x04 Delegate 11.jpg 249 × 278; 7 KB
4x04 Lilly.jpg 334 × 286; 9 KB
4x04 Marine 2.jpg 287 × 303; 5 KB
4x04 Marine Guard.jpg 394 × 341; 13 KB
4x04 Marine Lieutenant.jpg 244 × 302; 7 KB
4x04 Mr. Officious.jpg 381 × 348; 8 KB
4x04 Reza Chronides.jpg 305 × 283; 9 KB
4x04 Sons of Ares leader.jpg 413 × 329; 10 KB
4x06 Emily Kowalski.jpg 338 × 346; 12 KB
4x07 Delegate 12.jpg 222 × 276; 5 KB
4x07 Delegate 13.jpg 260 × 342; 10 KB
4x08 Speaking Delegate 3.jpg 297 × 343; 7 KB
Adama being carried.jpg 608 × 352; 25 KB
Adama laura toke.jpg 608 × 336; 18 KB
AdamaGlare.png 264 × 336; 120 KB
AdamaGlare2.jpg 504 × 535; 33 KB
Adamas.jpg 640 × 425; 76 KB
Adamastache.jpg 608 × 336; 25 KB
Admiralpiping1.jpg 1,280 × 720; 81 KB
An alliance forms.jpg 624 × 352; 39 KB
Ander's red eye.jpg 700 × 396; 77 KB
Anders - Number 6 confrontation.jpg 624 × 352; 40 KB
Anders Cylon.jpg 800 × 450; 93 KB
Apollo LDYBPII.JPG 960 × 544; 145 KB
AuroraBook.jpg 454 × 800; 72 KB
Baby Hera.jpg 607 × 335; 15 KB
Baltar and Head Baltar, "Six of One".jpg 700 × 394; 105 KB
Baltar and Six finding Hera.jpg 608 × 352; 17 KB
Baltarsbasestar 305 720p.png 1,280 × 720; 736 KB
BaltarSnooze.jpg 518 × 524; 28 KB
Barkeep Joe Headshot.jpg 251 × 286; 12 KB
Basestar fires missiles, "He That Believeth In Me".jpg 800 × 450; 84 KB
Basestar fleshy wound.jpg 624 × 352; 41 KB
Basestarcontol 306 720p.png 1,280 × 720; 1.02 MB
Battered Battlestar.jpg 800 × 450; 81 KB
BinaryStar.jpg 850 × 478; 112 KB
Blackbird destroyed.png 413 × 306; 104 KB
Blackbird FotP.JPG 1,000 × 563; 124 KB
Blood Communication.jpg 270 × 223; 26 KB
Blood Marine.jpg 355 × 288; 36 KB
Bloodstopper.jpg 327 × 229; 46 KB
BONC.jpg 800 × 450; 81 KB
Botanical Cruiser HTBIM.jpg 624 × 352; 12 KB
Breeder's Canyon (2).png 640 × 384; 436 KB
Bscap101.jpg 624 × 352; 33 KB
Bsg s03 e09 time00-02-26 orig.jpg 1,280 × 720; 191 KB
Bsg-c9-2.jpg 960 × 528; 47 KB
Bsraidersrelease1.jpg 640 × 352; 21 KB
Bsraidersrelease2.jpg 640 × 352; 23 KB
Bsraidersrelease3.jpg 640 × 352; 33 KB
Cain Pegasus emblem BSG 63.jpg 624 × 352; 136 KB
Cally and Baby.png 640 × 384; 274 KB
Caprica - Angela Moore as Judge.jpg 469 × 547; 174 KB
Caprica - Apollo Park.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 571 KB
Caprica - Atlas statue at Atlas Arena.jpg 790 × 443; 58 KB
Caprica - Caesar the dog.jpg 196 × 143; 31 KB
Caprica - CAP 2.jpg 150 × 63; 24 KB
Caprica - Cubits and Pieces.jpg 613 × 333; 270 KB
Caprica - Drew.jpg 800 × 450; 73 KB
Caprica - Gravedancing - Holo Cafe.jpg 900 × 510; 105 KB
Caprica - Gravedancing - Rebecca.jpg 358 × 356; 95 KB
Caprica - Josh Byer as Defendant.jpg 469 × 547; 183 KB
Caprica - MCP.jpg 800 × 451; 56 KB
Caprica - Memorial Invitation at Apollo Park.jpg 314 × 258; 68 KB
Caprica - Nancy Kerr as Prosecutor.jpg 469 × 547; 207 KB
Caprica - Natalie Stark.jpg 231 × 255; 55 KB
Caprica - Philomon.jpg 1,000 × 563; 86 KB
Caprica - Terence Kelly as Mayor.jpg 264 × 322; 90 KB
Caprica at night, "Daybreak, Part II".jpg 800 × 450; 126 KB
Caprica from Orbit.jpg 624 × 352; 130 KB
Caprica NC.jpg 682 × 720; 107 KB
Caprica.S01E09.720p.CMoDVTOLcockpit.jpg 1,280 × 720; 106 KB
CapricaAssault.jpg 801 × 434; 305 KB
CapricaCityBeforeCylonAttack.jpg 800 × 452; 138 KB
Capricacitydaybreak1.jpg 800 × 452; 149 KB
CavHap2.jpg 564 × 480; 306 KB
Cavil closeup.jpg 800 × 450; 72 KB
Cavilo.jpg 457 × 720; 92 KB
Cavils Talking.png 640 × 384; 203 KB
Cavz.jpg 463 × 352; 53 KB
Cent 005.jpg 516 × 480; 90 KB
Centurion on Pegasus.jpg 800 × 450; 98 KB
Centurion pair.jpg 600 × 338; 95 KB
Centurion POV.jpg 800 × 450; 80 KB
Centurion retcon.jpg 800 × 450; 49 KB
Centurion scrap.jpg 600 × 338; 87 KB
CenturionFace.jpg 856 × 645; 160 KB
CenturionGun.jpg 600 × 338; 95 KB
CenturionMortar2.jpg 960 × 544; 134 KB
Centurions man baseship, "Daybreak, Part II".jpg 800 × 450; 192 KB
Centurions vs. Centurions, "Daybreak, Part II".jpg 800 × 450; 169 KB
Centz.jpg 800 × 450; 200 KB
CGIna.jpg 517 × 544; 77 KB
Cloud9Destroyed.jpg 1,280 × 720; 302 KB
Collaborators - Baltar's Dream.jpg 688 × 400; 17 KB
Collaborators - Battle Scars.jpg 688 × 400; 14 KB
Collaborators - Charlie Connor.jpg 688 × 400; 13 KB
Collaborators - Cylon Basestar Closeup.jpg 688 × 400; 16 KB
Collaborators - Cylon Fleet Overview.jpg 688 × 400; 13 KB
Collaborators - Felix Eating.jpg 688 × 400; 21 KB
Collaborators - Flight Pod Panel.jpg 688 × 400; 20 KB
Collaborators - Inside a Basestar.jpg 688 × 400; 19 KB
Collaborators - Jammer Ejected.jpg 688 × 400; 11 KB
Collaborators - Lee talking to William.jpg 688 × 400; 17 KB
Collaborators - Seelix.jpg 688 × 400; 11 KB
Colonial One taking off.jpg 608 × 352; 22 KB
ColonialOneSeal.jpg 960 × 528; 56 KB
Colony Breech.jpg 800 × 450; 84 KB
Confession - Image titre.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 572 KB
Connor attacks Baltar.jpg 449 × 316; 119 KB
Contact with Raptor (2).png 640 × 384; 269 KB
Contact with Raptor.png 640 × 384; 316 KB
Crash sur la lune - Image titre.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 658 KB
Cult of Baltar symbol.jpg 196 × 95; 18 KB
Cult of Baltar's shrine.jpg 626 × 324; 223 KB
Cyca2.jpg 800 × 450; 92 KB
CyDorFiv.jpg 385 × 515; 60 KB
Cylon Centurion close up, "No Exit".jpg 800 × 450; 95 KB
Cylon Centurion, "The Hub".jpg 700 × 395; 190 KB
Cylon Centurions on Tuaron, "Razor".jpg 600 × 338; 95 KB
Cylon civil war - opening fire.jpg 624 × 352; 42 KB
Cylon colony, "Daybreak, Part II".jpg 800 × 450; 157 KB
Cylon Comm relay.jpg 576 × 352; 27 KB
Cylon data port.jpg 608 × 352; 12 KB
Cylon membrane hatch.jpg 579 × 290; 112 KB
Cylon War-era Galactica, "Razor" Flashback 1.jpg 800 × 450; 145 KB
Cylon War-era Raider cockpit, "Razor".jpg 640 × 360; 59 KB
Cylon World-Ship (Interior).jpg 1,280 × 720; 99 KB
Cylon World-Ship (The Colony).jpg 800 × 450; 127 KB
Cylons wait for Execution Order.png 640 × 384; 256 KB
Cysim.jpg 532 × 800; 115 KB
Damaged Galactica.jpg 800 × 450; 95 KB
Danaged Galactica.jpg 800 × 450; 175 KB
Daybreak Teaser.jpg 640 × 350; 110 KB
Decoy's on Dradis.jpg 608 × 352; 23 KB
Dee LDYBPII2.JPG 960 × 544; 150 KB
Demetrius 1.jpg 1,280 × 720; 241 KB
Demetrius Vipers.jpg 1,280 × 720; 170 KB
Demetrius, Heavy Raider blown apart.jpg 624 × 352; 36 KB
Derrick.jpg 449 × 316; 116 KB
Diloxin.jpg 579 × 290; 117 KB
Disquiet Cultist.jpg 193 × 214; 22 KB
Disquiet Guard.jpg 238 × 327; 28 KB
DoctorStrangeLove.jpg 853 × 480; 33 KB
Doral.jpg 500 × 752; 104 KB
Dr Cottle and Number Three.jpg 608 × 352; 13 KB
DRADIS - TRLT.jpg 432 × 278; 117 KB
Duck's Bombs.png 640 × 384; 203 KB
Dyingbasestar 306 720p.png 900 × 506; 177 KB
Earth, "Daybreak, Part II".jpg 800 × 450; 82 KB
Eight.jpg 532 × 800; 134 KB
Eights.jpg 1,000 × 563; 137 KB
Ellen Final Cylon.jpg 800 × 450; 85 KB
Elysium boat.jpg 618 × 315; 121 KB
Emily Kowalski.jpg 303 × 345; 84 KB
Execution Order Signature.png 640 × 384; 271 KB
Execution Order.png 640 × 384; 342 KB
Fields of Elysium.jpg 598 × 298; 150 KB
First war Raider.jpg 528 × 304; 5 KB
Flight of the Phoenix-Laura.jpg 960 × 544; 226 KB
Flight of the Phoenix-Tigh Adama.jpg 600 × 337; 25 KB
Flight of the phoenix-Welcome Back.jpg 600 × 337; 40 KB
Fraggedextra2.jpg 98 × 130; 3 KB
FTL1.jpg 1,000 × 563; 97 KB
Ftl2.jpg 1,000 × 563; 79 KB
Ftl3.jpg 1,000 × 560; 76 KB
Ftlcomp 217 1080i.jpg 960 × 544; 97 KB