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This category has the following 57 subcategories, out of 57 total.
- NTSC DVD screen captures (Water) (empty)
- NTSC DVD screen captures (Litmus) (empty)
- NTSC DVD screen captures (The Farm) (empty)
- NTSC DVD screen captures (Final Cut) (empty)
- NTSC DVD screen captures (Scar) (12 F)
- NTSC DVD screen captures (Hero) (empty)
Pages in category "NTSC DVD screen captures (TRS)"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Media in category "NTSC DVD screen captures (TRS)"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 286 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
1104reverse Scattered.JPG 852 × 480; 22 KB
301 a calm quiet dinner with Kara Thrace.jpg 392 × 449; 159 KB
301 gloves are coming off.jpg 684 × 472; 294 KB
3x11 Fleet above Algae planet.jpg 853 × 480; 238 KB
3x11 Temple of Five discovery.jpg 853 × 480; 237 KB
3x11 Temple of Five roof.jpg 853 × 480; 249 KB
7242NC Pegasus.JPG 740 × 348; 14 KB
8757 LDYBPI.JPG 852 × 480; 51 KB
Adama being carried Exodus-Pt-II.jpg 853 × 480; 335 KB
AdrienBauer.jpg 853 × 480; 283 KB
Alistair Thorne.jpg 356 × 474; 17 KB
Anders LDYBPII.JPG 425 × 479; 24 KB
Anthony Figurski.jpg 363 × 363; 15 KB
Arrowofapolloinuse.jpg 649 × 416; 66 KB
AuroraFigurine.jpg 652 × 457; 201 KB
BaltarTribunal.jpg 853 × 480; 253 KB
Banzai.jpg 298 × 383; 116 KB
BARifle Resistance.JPG 852 × 478; 86 KB
Barry Garner.jpg 435 × 451; 20 KB
Baseship - Raiders - Raptor.jpg 852 × 480; 68 KB
Basestar Interior 1.jpg 853 × 480; 254 KB
Basestar Interior 2.jpg 853 × 480; 263 KB
Basestar Interior 3.jpg 853 × 480; 242 KB
Batteries - Galactica Type.jpg 852 × 480; 95 KB
Battle of New Caprica - Initiation.jpg 719 × 480; 60 KB
Battle of the Guardian Basestar.png 640 × 480; 144 KB
Beige uniform.jpg 311 × 400; 41 KB
Bellamy.jpg 459 × 441; 22 KB
Billy and Jaycie.jpg 735 × 475; 287 KB
Blackbird - FotP.png 853 × 480; 833 KB
Blackbird - Jammer signature.png 853 × 480; 855 KB
Blackbird - Seelix signature.png 853 × 480; 887 KB
Blackbird ceremony - 1.png 853 × 480; 758 KB
Blackbird ceremony - 2.png 853 × 480; 853 KB
Blackbird cockpit (lighted helmet).png 853 × 480; 685 KB
Blackbird cockpit (unlighted helmet).png 853 × 480; 631 KB
Blackbird cockpit - 1.png 853 × 480; 596 KB
Blackbird construction - 1.png 853 × 480; 848 KB
Blackbird construction - 2.png 853 × 480; 911 KB
Blackbird construction - 3.png 853 × 480; 872 KB
Blackbird construction - 4.png 853 × 480; 814 KB
Blackbird construction - 5.png 853 × 480; 787 KB
Blackbird death.jpg 672 × 344; 11 KB
Blackbird destroyed.jpg 410 × 260; 18 KB
Blackbird launch tube - 1.png 853 × 480; 580 KB
Blackbird launch tube - 2.png 853 × 480; 593 KB
Blackbird launch tube - 3.png 853 × 480; 547 KB
Blackbird maiden flight.png 853 × 480; 414 KB
Blackbird throttle.png 853 × 480; 582 KB
Blackbird undercarriage.png 853 × 480; 530 KB
Bonnington.jpg 266 × 348; 7 KB
Boomer downloaded.JPG 619 × 480; 32 KB
Boomerraincoat Colonialday.JPG 296 × 379; 44 KB
Boomertarget fotp.JPG 851 × 478; 33 KB
Breeder's Canyon (3).png 853 × 480; 705 KB
Breeder's Canyon.png 853 × 480; 684 KB
BreedersCanyonGround.jpg 853 × 480; 304 KB
Brent Baxton.jpg 363 × 431; 15 KB
Brother Cavil Shades.jpg 749 × 528; 43 KB
Brothers on patrol (Maelstrom).jpg 852 × 480; 64 KB
Bsg s02 e20 time01-06-12 orig.jpg 1,280 × 720; 201 KB
Bucspatch.jpg 206 × 152; 12 KB
Cain's father.jpg 568 × 340; 42 KB
CainH.jpg 422 × 480; 59 KB
Campoilslick.JPG 853 × 480; 289 KB
Caprica - Hectate in human form.jpg 262 × 255; 45 KB
Caprica - Hectate with canine head.jpg 263 × 313; 71 KB
Caprica Transfer Station.jpg 563 × 350; 195 KB
CapricaCityPolice.jpg 853 × 480; 256 KB
CapricaRazor1.jpg 800 × 442; 77 KB
CapricaRazor2.jpg 850 × 470; 134 KB
Carina.jpg 853 × 480; 219 KB
Carolanne Adama - A Day In the Life.jpg 795 × 480; 64 KB
Cassidy.jpg 383 × 433; 146 KB
Centurion on Kobol.jpg 837 × 544; 141 KB
CenturionMortar.jpg 1,000 × 563; 199 KB
Chrion.jpg 403 × 320; 32 KB
Chu.jpg 352 × 393; 12 KB
CIC - Pegasus (Razor).jpg 814 × 480; 93 KB
Cliff Hooper.jpg 266 × 348; 9 KB
Cloud 9 - Gardens.jpg 864 × 486; 100 KB
Cloud 9 Ballroom.jpg 864 × 486; 70 KB
Collaborators - Jammer in the tube.jpg 853 × 480; 221 KB
Colonial One cameraman gaffe.jpg 475 × 314; 118 KB
Colonial One voting tracker.jpg 475 × 314; 129 KB
Colonial RPG.jpg 853 × 480; 244 KB
ColonialVehicleScar.jpg 360 × 194; 8 KB
Cottle.jpg 427 × 465; 22 KB
Cultist chicks.jpg 1,024 × 576; 82 KB
Cylon Centurion New 001.jpg 800 × 449; 154 KB
Cylon missles.jpg 838 × 412; 35 KB
Cylon War-era flight suit.jpg 735 × 475; 351 KB
Cylon War-era jumpsuit.jpg 279 × 429; 133 KB
Cylon War-era Medics.jpg 842 × 462; 87 KB
Cylon-Occupied New Caprica City.jpg 848 × 473; 380 KB
Cylon-Transports.png 290 × 246; 9 KB
DanielNoon.jpg 384 × 480; 51 KB
Dasilva.jpg 850 × 470; 79 KB
Datacord.jpg 344 × 409; 95 KB
DDG-62 1.jpg 281 × 374; 14 KB
DDG-62 2.jpg 733 × 376; 18 KB
DDG62 ResShipPI.JPG 851 × 480; 24 KB
Detention Center.jpg 853 × 480; 291 KB
Diagram1.jpg 855 × 473; 32 KB
Diagram2.jpg 264 × 336; 8 KB
DirtyHands - Daru Mozu top.jpg 853 × 480; 252 KB
Dradis CptHand.JPG 852 × 480; 71 KB
Dradissymbol pegasus.JPG 852 × 480; 30 KB
Earth (RDM).jpg 853 × 476; 372 KB
Eick is Number One.jpg 758 × 440; 266 KB
EpiphaniesAmmo.jpg 358 × 341; 65 KB
Exodus Part II - Deleted Scene 102-104.jpg 621 × 362; 160 KB
Exodus Part II - Deleted Scene 99.jpg 621 × 362; 187 KB
Eye of Jupiter Nova.jpg 848 × 322; 201 KB
First Hybrid.jpg 850 × 470; 94 KB
First Hybrid.png 640 × 480; 316 KB
FirstHybrid.jpg 850 × 470; 79 KB
Frank Bruno.jpg 222 × 274; 20 KB
FS10 Resistance.JPG 566 × 479; 46 KB
G-4-Explosive-Exodus-Pt-II.jpg 853 × 480; 284 KB
G4 Occupation.jpg 853 × 480; 293 KB
G4Det Occupation.jpg 720 × 480; 167 KB
Gage.jpg 476 × 473; 24 KB
Galactica - flight pods retracted.jpg 852 × 480; 57 KB
Galactica Under Fire at NC.jpg 785 × 480; 51 KB
GalacticaInterior WardRoom.jpg 853 × 480; 248 KB
Galen Tyrol drinking - FotP.png 853 × 480; 744 KB
Gardian basestar.jpg 640 × 361; 17 KB
Gina catatonic.jpg 851 × 476; 54 KB
Greenleafcorridor Sacrifice.JPG 852 × 480; 61 KB
GuardianBasestarBattle.jpg 850 × 470; 78 KB
Hamish McCall Cropped.jpg 197 × 180; 6 KB
Hawryliw bottle.jpg 255 × 395; 83 KB
Home pt1-Kobol.jpg 851 × 478; 45 KB
Hoshi Cpthand.JPG 852 × 480; 29 KB
In Better Times.jpg 853 × 472; 35 KB
Jack Fisk serial number.jpg 340 × 359; 28 KB
Jack Fisk.jpg 357 × 400; 13 KB
Jaffee.jpg 394 × 459; 111 KB
James MacManus.jpg 293 × 420; 14 KB
Joe.jpg 853 × 480; 269 KB
Joes bar.jpg 853 × 480; 296 KB
Jonathan Lancaster.jpg 229 × 253; 51 KB
Joseph Clark.jpg 363 × 431; 18 KB
Kacey's real mother.jpg 853 × 480; 270 KB
Karen Fallbrook.jpg 279 × 349; 81 KB
Kat Scar.JPG 577 × 479; 28 KB
L85Enfield Resistance.JPG 852 × 478; 52 KB
Lagoonnebula.jpg 326 × 311; 12 KB
Leonis Estates Wine.jpg 269 × 234; 56 KB
Linden.jpg 271 × 363; 12 KB
Lucy Cain.jpg 762 × 427; 71 KB
Lyla Ellway.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 499 KB
Maelstrom - Starbuck's Poem and Mandala.jpg 460 × 356; 149 KB
Maelstrom memorial hallway.jpg 853 × 480; 270 KB
Marinerank klgpII.JPG 852 × 480; 24 KB
McAllisters.jpg 605 × 429; 176 KB
Medal of Valor 1.jpg 853 × 480; 233 KB
Medal of Valor 2.jpg 853 × 480; 242 KB
MedicHudson.jpg 853 × 480; 27 KB
Mei Firelli.jpg 255 × 331; 9 KB
Memorial6.jpg 853 × 480; 277 KB
Memorial8.jpg 853 × 480; 308 KB
Memorial9.jpg 853 × 480; 307 KB
Michael rymer.jpg 600 × 625; 30 KB
Milo.jpg 1,080 × 1,080; 630 KB
MkVIIlaunch Scar.JPG 852 × 478; 44 KB
MP9 Resistance.JPG 652 × 477; 26 KB
Narcho nameplate.jpg 176 × 163; 16 KB
Naylin Stans.jpg 421 × 376; 20 KB
NBSG Colonial Medkit.jpg 432 × 312; 64 KB
NBSG Colonial Medkit2.jpg 1,182 × 784; 366 KB
NCapricaLandingField.jpg 931 × 528; 136 KB
NCapricaMarch.jpg 803 × 544; 130 KB
NCP poster.jpg 402 × 473; 170 KB
New Caprica Guard Tower (4).jpg 853 × 480; 233 KB
New Resurrection ship - surrounded by baseships.jpg 852 × 480; 78 KB
Nora.jpg 369 × 341; 120 KB
Occupation - Deleted Scene 73.jpg 621 × 362; 183 KB
Old Raider.jpg 700 × 432; 44 KB
OldPistol Resistance.JPG 499 × 478; 32 KB
Operation Raptor Talon 2.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 432 KB
Operation Raptor Talon.jpg 851 × 475; 305 KB
Page.jpg 352 × 393; 12 KB
Pegasus - Thwarted Rape.jpg 850 × 479; 47 KB
Pegasus engine room.jpg 852 × 471; 46 KB
Pegasus flight pod turret.jpg 852 × 471; 42 KB
Pegasus vs Galactica.jpg 851 × 479; 34 KB
Pegasus-Thorne Boomer.jpg 850 × 474; 34 KB
Pegasus01.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 437 KB
Penis lantern admirers.jpg 663 × 468; 210 KB
Pergamus Flats - Exo.jpg 853 × 480; 342 KB
Peter Laird.jpg 355 × 475; 19 KB
Playa Palacios.jpg 253 × 314; 12 KB
Portable library reader.jpg 578 × 476; 46 KB
Precipice - Deleted Scene 107.jpg 621 × 362; 177 KB
Primus Epiphanies.JPG 852 × 480; 37 KB
Prometheus refueling.jpg 727 × 462; 63 KB
PyxisCaptain.jpg 282 × 479; 75 KB
Raider retcon.jpg 1,037 × 310; 53 KB