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- 1980
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- Unknown Episode Captures
- Miniseries
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- Season 1
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- Webepisodes
- Occupation
- Precipice
- Exodus, Part I
- Exodus, Part II
- Collaborators
- Torn
- A Measure of Salvation
- Hero
- Unfinished Business
- The Passage
- The Eye of Jupiter
- Rapture
- Taking a Break From All Your Worries
- The Woman King
- A Day in the Life
- Dirty Hands
- Maelstrom
- The Son Also Rises
- Crossroads, Part I
- Crossroads, Part II
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Screen captures (Rapture)"
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.
Box.jpg 640 × 360; 69 KB
Boxáge.jpg 640 × 360; 73 KB
Cavil closeup.jpg 800 × 450; 72 KB
Chamber.jpg 640 × 360; 85 KB
Leoben Headshot.jpg 700 × 394; 74 KB
Number Three Headshot.jpg 700 × 394; 80 KB
Six closeup.jpg 800 × 450; 110 KB
Supernova.jpg 624 × 352; 17 KB
Sykes.jpg 652 × 478; 252 KB
The Eye of Jupiter - Fisher.jpg 518 × 479; 166 KB
Three FOG.jpg 471 × 347; 69 KB
TRS - Rapture - Foliole Cigar Box with Kara's Effects.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 258 KB
TRS - Rapture - Keyboard on Weapons Console.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 238 KB
TRS - Rapture - Munitions Key Case.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 268 KB
TRS - Rapture - Munitions Key.jpg 1,535 × 1,080; 232 KB