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Media in category "Screen captures by season 3 (TRS)"
The following 145 files are in this category, out of 145 total.
301 a calm quiet dinner with Kara Thrace.jpg 392 × 449; 159 KB
301 gloves are coming off.jpg 684 × 472; 294 KB
3x11 Fleet above Algae planet.jpg 853 × 480; 238 KB
3x11 Temple of Five discovery.jpg 853 × 480; 237 KB
3x11 Temple of Five roof.jpg 853 × 480; 249 KB
3x6-GalacticaRaptorNearingSickBaseship.jpg 643 × 361; 154 KB
3x6-Lion's-Head-beacon-1.jpg 638 × 362; 147 KB
3x6-Lion's-Head-Nebula.jpg 641 × 363; 156 KB
3x7-BaltarInternalSix.jpg 640 × 360; 117 KB
3x7-BaltarsEscort.jpg 639 × 361; 188 KB
3x7-BattleOfNCD2539.jpg 642 × 360; 154 KB
3x7-BattleOfNCD2539Raiders.jpg 641 × 358; 142 KB
3x7-BattleOfNCD2539RaptorsFiring.jpg 640 × 359; 158 KB
3x7-DeadRaiders.jpg 642 × 361; 169 KB
3x7-GalacticaArrivingAtNCD2539.jpg 639 × 359; 136 KB
3x7-Sickbaseshipselfdestruct.jpg 637 × 356; 147 KB
3x7-VipersAndRaptorsNearingSickBaseship.jpg 640 × 361; 152 KB
7th Battleaxe.jpg 222 × 271; 5 KB
Adama being carried Exodus-Pt-II.jpg 853 × 480; 335 KB
Adama's b-day card.jpg 637 × 356; 22 KB
AdrienBauer.jpg 853 × 480; 283 KB
AuroraFigurine.jpg 652 × 457; 201 KB
BaltarTribunal.jpg 853 × 480; 253 KB
Baseship - Raiders - Raptor.jpg 852 × 480; 68 KB
Baseshipandresship.jpg 641 × 360; 162 KB
Baseshipcloseup.jpg 642 × 361; 161 KB
Baseshipcontrolinterface.jpg 641 × 361; 197 KB
Basestar Interior 1.jpg 853 × 480; 254 KB
Basestar Interior 2.jpg 853 × 480; 263 KB
Basestar Interior 3.jpg 853 × 480; 242 KB
Battle of New Caprica - Initiation.jpg 719 × 480; 60 KB
Battle of the Guardian Basestar.png 640 × 480; 144 KB
Bell at Baltar's trial.jpg 365 × 247; 80 KB
Box.jpg 640 × 360; 69 KB
Boxáge.jpg 640 × 360; 73 KB
Breeder's Canyon (3).png 853 × 480; 705 KB
Breeder's Canyon.png 853 × 480; 684 KB
BreedersCanyonGround.jpg 853 × 480; 304 KB
Brother Cavil Shades.jpg 749 × 528; 43 KB
Brothers on patrol (Maelstrom).jpg 852 × 480; 64 KB
Campoilslick.JPG 853 × 480; 289 KB
CapricaCityPolice.jpg 853 × 480; 256 KB
Capry.jpg 383 × 352; 54 KB
Carina.jpg 853 × 480; 219 KB
Carolanne Adama - A Day In the Life.jpg 795 × 480; 64 KB
Cassidy.jpg 383 × 433; 146 KB
CenturionMortar.jpg 1,000 × 563; 199 KB
Chamber.jpg 640 × 360; 85 KB
Cheadle.jpg 222 × 271; 9 KB
Chrion.jpg 403 × 320; 32 KB
Collaborators - Jammer in the tube.jpg 853 × 480; 221 KB
Colonial RPG.jpg 853 × 480; 244 KB
Cylon-Occupied New Caprica City.jpg 848 × 473; 380 KB
DanielNoon.jpg 384 × 480; 51 KB
Datacord.jpg 344 × 409; 95 KB
Detention Center.jpg 853 × 480; 291 KB
DirtyHands - Daru Mozu top.jpg 853 × 480; 252 KB
Exodus Part II - Deleted Scene 102-104.jpg 621 × 362; 160 KB
Exodus Part II - Deleted Scene 99.jpg 621 × 362; 187 KB
Eye of Jupiter Nova.jpg 848 × 322; 201 KB
G-4-Explosive-Exodus-Pt-II.jpg 853 × 480; 284 KB
G4 Occupation.jpg 853 × 480; 293 KB
G4Det Occupation.jpg 720 × 480; 167 KB
Gaius' Angels 1.jpg 491 × 191; 9 KB
Galactica Under Fire at NC.jpg 785 × 480; 51 KB
GalacticaInterior WardRoom.jpg 853 × 480; 248 KB
Galacticajumping.jpg 1,024 × 577; 301 KB
Hamish McCall.jpg 244 × 325; 12 KB
Hera Agathon.jpg 620 × 696; 88 KB
Hybrid-jump.jpg 639 × 361; 115 KB
Jaffee.jpg 394 × 459; 111 KB
Joe.jpg 853 × 480; 269 KB
Joes bar.jpg 853 × 480; 296 KB
Kacey's real mother.jpg 853 × 480; 270 KB
Kara Thrace Record 1.jpg 637 × 356; 42 KB
Karen Fallbrook.jpg 279 × 349; 81 KB
Lampkin's cat.jpg 282 × 197; 9 KB
Law and Mind.jpg 384 × 319; 17 KB
Maelstrom - Starbuck's Poem and Mandala.jpg 460 × 356; 149 KB
Maelstrom memorial hallway.jpg 853 × 480; 270 KB
McAllisters.jpg 605 × 429; 176 KB
Medal of Valor 1.jpg 853 × 480; 233 KB
Medal of Valor 2.jpg 853 × 480; 242 KB
Memorial6.jpg 853 × 480; 277 KB
Memorial8.jpg 853 × 480; 308 KB
Memorial9.jpg 853 × 480; 307 KB
Milo.jpg 1,080 × 1,080; 630 KB
My Triumphs My Mistakes.jpg 494 × 532; 90 KB
NCapricaLandingField.jpg 931 × 528; 136 KB
NCP poster.jpg 402 × 473; 170 KB
New Caprica Guard Tower (4).jpg 853 × 480; 233 KB
New Resurrection ship - surrounded by baseships.jpg 852 × 480; 78 KB
Nora.jpg 369 × 341; 120 KB
Occupation - Deleted Scene 73.jpg 621 × 362; 183 KB
Pegasusflightpod.jpg 1,023 × 570; 305 KB
Pegaus Ram iTunes.jpg 1,023 × 578; 280 KB
Pergamus Flats - Exo.jpg 853 × 480; 342 KB
Precipice - Deleted Scene 107.jpg 621 × 362; 177 KB
Projection.jpg 640 × 360; 140 KB
Prometheus refueling.jpg 727 × 462; 63 KB
PyxisCaptain.jpg 282 × 479; 75 KB
Raptorenteringbaseship.jpg 642 × 360; 165 KB
Raptorinsidebaseship.jpg 642 × 358; 153 KB
Raptorleavingbaseship.jpg 641 × 361; 153 KB
Raptors over New Caprica.jpg 806 × 480; 63 KB
RaptorWeapons.jpg 853 × 480; 245 KB
RefineryBottomView.jpg 853 × 480; 252 KB
RefineryInside.jpg 1,280 × 720; 197 KB
Resistance - Webisode 1.jpg 432 × 312; 149 KB
Resistance - Webisode 2.jpg 621 × 359; 225 KB
Resistance - Webisode 3.jpg 621 × 359; 183 KB
Resistance - Webisode 4.jpg 464 × 353; 154 KB
Resistance - Webisode 6.jpg 556 × 347; 192 KB
Resistance - Webisode 7.jpg 394 × 232; 82 KB
Resistance - Webisode 8.jpg 580 × 362; 195 KB
Resistance - Webisode 9.jpg 621 × 362; 230 KB
S3-eyeofjupiter.jpg 1,238 × 696; 50 KB
S3-mistakesbook.jpg 1,194 × 670; 91 KB
S3-passagecloud.jpg 853 × 480; 258 KB
Samuel Anders uniform.jpg 267 × 334; 13 KB
SimonNC.jpg 358 × 352; 40 KB
Snowbird Squadron.jpg 762 × 471; 167 KB
SocrataThraceLetter.jpg 853 × 480; 237 KB
Space Park (Ionian Nebula).jpg 852 × 480; 67 KB
Space Park Passage.jpg 853 × 480; 113 KB
Space Park-Pixis-Colonial One.jpg 852 × 480; 59 KB
Stephen Holmes.jpg 383 × 433; 150 KB
Sykes.jpg 652 × 478; 252 KB
The Eye of Jupiter - Ditko.jpg 342 × 477; 103 KB
The Eye of Jupiter - Fisher.jpg 518 × 479; 166 KB
The Eye of Jupiter - Henick.jpg 359 × 372; 78 KB
The Passage - Enzo.jpg 415 × 469; 144 KB
Thera Sita.jpg 375 × 342; 86 KB
Thrace Disciplinary Notice.jpg 527 × 353; 32 KB
Viper 2220 (Mark VII).jpg 637 × 355; 18 KB
Viper Mk II atmospheric flight.jpg 852 × 480; 63 KB
Viper Mk II Hit and Run.jpg 755 × 480; 61 KB
Viper Mk VII atmospheric flight.jpg 735 × 439; 56 KB
Viper Mk VII retcon and Mk II.jpg 852 × 480; 71 KB
Viper Mk VII Retcon Profile.jpg 1,654 × 468; 66 KB
Viper Mk VII retcon underneath.jpg 852 × 480; 44 KB
Viper Mk VII retcon up-close.jpg 852 × 480; 73 KB
VirgoBrew.jpg 720 × 480; 186 KB
XenoFenner.jpg 720 × 480; 201 KB
YoungKaraThrace.jpg 608 × 336; 12 KB